Player Profile
Ӎŗ. Ⱪȋƞⱪƴ
Rank: 50
Points: 59894
Wins: 6730
Losses: 4325
Win/Loss Ratio: 1.56
Time Played: 4 weeks (627 hours)
Last Connection: 2014-09-24 02:35:19
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41765586
Kills: 10363
Assists: 1191
Deaths: 2872
Kill/Death ratio: 3.61
Best Prop: lilchewchew_v3 (survived 146 times)
Worst Prop: Bucket (died 297 times)
Average survival time: 337 seconds
Best Map: Kakariko (1499 kills)
Worst Map: Mountain (209 deaths)
Favourite Class: Pyro
Favourite Weapon: Flaregun (3060 kills)
Nemesis: Linkzz (died to: 94 times)
Prey: Kit Cat ☾ (killed: 78 times)
Weapon Kills % of Kills
Flaregun 3060 29.53%
Market Gardener 2145 20.7%
Disciplinary Action 1473 14.21%
Back Scratcher 1301 12.55%
Degreaser 862 8.32%
Scattergun 790 7.62%
Mantreads 216 2.08%
World 127 1.23%
Pistol Scout 71 0.69%
Candy Cane 43 0.41%
Hadouken (Taunt) 38 0.37%
Afterburn 34 0.33%
Short Stop 31 0.3%
Shotgun - Soldier 24 0.23%
Pumpkin Bomb 22 0.21%
Showdown (Taunt) 21 0.2%
The Eyelander 14 0.14%
Holiday Punch 14 0.14%
Scotsman's Skullcutter 11 0.11%
Flamethrower 8 0.08%
Huntsman 8 0.08%
Skewer (Taunt) 7 0.07%
Fryingpan 6 0.06%
Bushwacka 5 0.05%
Shotgun - Pyro 4 0.04%
Widowmaker 4 0.04%
Shotgun - Engineer 3 0.03%
Crusaders Crossbow 3 0.03%
Axtinguisher 3 0.03%
Ullapool Caber Explosion 2 0.02%
Southern Hospitality 2 0.02%
Direct Hit 2 0.02%
Rocket Launcher 2 0.02%
Bat 1 0.01%
Tribalman's Shiv 1 0.01%
Ubersaw 1 0.01%
Kukri 1 0.01%
Minigun 1 0.01%
Detonator 1 0.01%
Fists 1 0.01%
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