Beware, possible account hijack

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Hooch, 25 Nov 2013.

  1. Hooch Luckiest man alive.

    to anyone who knows Blue ʖ + Yo Mumma please beware, i'm pretty sure his account has been hijacked.
    i'm not 100% sure about this but the way he asked me if i had something to trade while he has pretty much no way of affording it was just very suspicious.

    i'm not sure if anyone actually knows and talks to this guy on a regular basis but to me this just seemed pretty suspicious and i wanted to warn everybody.
    Last edited: 25 Nov 2013
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  2. Hooch Luckiest man alive.

    Ok well, now im thinking i was just a bit too quick to jump the gun there.
    after i moved my unusuals for safety reasons, i traded with him and all went well, no strange links or anything.

    i still find it a bit suspicious the way he does things but that might just be the way he does it.
    i asked him after the trade how he was planning on getting an unusual with his pretty limited backpack and this was his answer:
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  3. imFree (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    25. november 2013
    GM.| imFree: hey
    Blue ʖ + Yo Mumma: Hello, sorry i didn't come back in time to catch you, but basically me and hooch have been talking, and thinking about setting up a GM competition team, he told me to come to you because you know a lot more about it than both of us put together, i was just wondering if you had any vital information, also any up coming events, and also if you would care to join the team!
    Blue ʖ + Yo Mumma: Also since i am here, we should have a little trade hah!
    Blue ʖ + Yo Mumma is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Blue ʖ + Yo Mumma: Hello?
  4. Detective Hooch!
  5. Sim Burner of props and hunter of hunters

    Shit that reminds me. Meh organise stuff pls you're good at it.

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