Favorite League Champions

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Sean, 31 Mar 2015.

  1. As theirs alot of champions in leauge that are good but I have wanted to know some other peoples faovorites

    Mine is Warwick my 1st ever champion I ever got and played still playing him in Gold V
  2. Subv You ain't even lord of your yard

    singed or j4
  3. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    Rumble in the jungle motherfucker

    DanCousins best Rumble EUW
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  4. Kiethy Fluffy..

    Always a fan of Zilean and his tick-tocking away
  5. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Alistar, the biggest badass in league

    (or possibly Leona)
  6. Ryze and nobody was surprised.
  7. Old Nidalee
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  8. The old shaco like really old shaco was a beast
  9. Jax, or Maokai no doubt.

    You already choice WW, no swapsies.
  10. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    I don't pick her too often though, since I like having an escape on my adcs.
  11. Hearth Forever Traitor

    Definitely Thresh, such a versatile pick and can easily change teamfights just by being a douche and peeling like hell.
  12. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    Talon and lately Vladimir
  13. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    DJ Sona. Dat booty....
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  14. Gaw discord is my friend now

    It was Nidalee pre-rework. I acquired 3 skins for her; but I don't really like her at all now.

    Right now, it's gotta be Blitzcrank. Landing hooks is just too satisfying. I very rarely play him in SR games though, I don't think the meta favours him.
  15. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    I don't think blitz needs a meta. He has the best hook and his hook alone can win the game if you can make good picks.
  16. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    A bad Blitz can also lose games with no hooks or bad hooks. :V

    When I used to soloq, I would just ban him every game. If the enemy team picks him, they get godhand, if my team picks him, we get some retard who likes to hook no one except their tank.

    Good hooks can really turn a game around though. If I mained support, I'd probably play nothing but Blitz. Would suck when I got banned out though, then I could always Rumble support, right @Bluepanther? ;)
  17. Cookies4you Crippling Pickling Prickling Disorder


    Press Q for massive damage.
  19. Mystia the Schnitzel Delivery Guy

    Nah urgot is where its at. And Hybrid Kayle still works.
  20. Lux & Teemo


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