League of Legends Megathread

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Kiethy, 26 Apr 2012.

  1. Kiethy Fluffy..

    i have recently downloaded LoL and i'm getting 3 kills, 14 deaths, 2 assists. i'm asking for some helpful tips to help a newbie.
  2. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Practice last hitting and not overextending for starters.
  3. Use key shortcuts.
  4. http://www.mobafire.com/ check out character builds and guides how to use certain champions. A lot of practice is needed but it's a fun game.
  5. Bulletproof Last one alive, Lock the door.

    I found Master Yi a good character to start with, easy to use.
  6. play a ranged carry like ashe and do what bagman said. Don't die too much and by end game you'll wreck everything that moves basically

    Also checkout mobafire for some general guides for any hero you try out. Play enough times with a good build and you slowly learn the nuances of each item and why you're actually getting it. Just be sure to read the item descriptions at least.
  7. Yea, Master Yi is quite easy champion. There are lots of possible builds but personally I'd try to buy boots which give attack speed (can't remember the name), last whisper, infinity edge, phantom dancer, black cleaver.
  8. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    like solomid.net better for guides to be honest..
  9. didnt want to write a wall of text but ended up that way

    *Getting good at the game will take a bit of time because you need to know each of the champions and their spells. Eventually you will learn all the champions and what they do then you can figure out the best way to counter them.

    *Generally be ultra-cautious, hug towers and run to team mates if you or they need help. Get good at last hitting, farm farm farm, and keep your eye on the minimap!

    *Whilst farming in lane, practise last hitting minions to get more gold, watch out for enemy champions hiding in bushes (don't face-check bushes =p). Keep yourself safe if they are being very aggressive, but don't be too aggressive if they are being very passive (could be a trap!), just focus on farming.
    Buy a couple of sight wards (under consumables) to put in bushes and keep your eye on the minimap! 150 gold is well spent on 2 wards if it keeps you alive and safe from being ganked.

    *During teamfights focus your damage on enemy champions which do the most damage i.e. not tanks (generally those with the least HP if you are unsure) and don't be afraid do ping on the enemy so your team mates do the same (hold down the ALT key and click the enemy champion you want to focus)

    *You may find it easier to learn the game whilst playing ranged champions, as you can safely stand away from enemys last hitting mobs and farming and not get too harassed by the enemy (which you often do if you are in melee range). Stay at the back of the action during teamfights and deal out the damage at range.

    *I too recommend playing Ashe, she's only 450 IP to unlock her permanently.

    *Do try out all of the champions on the free to play rotation each week, even if you don't like the champions yourself, you can take the opportunity to figure out how they all work so you know how to play against them.

    *Check out some guides for champions, but don't stick to them too much, ideally throughout a game you want to be building your champion according to what you need in the match, for example if you are getting pwned by a caster champion all the time, you may want to buy some magic resist etc.

    I find http://solomid.net/guides.php easiest to navigate (be sure to display for all guides, not just featured)
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  10. Zetsumei Spaceman

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  11. Infernal Dragon I love people very much.. with ketchup

    At the 1-25 lvls u can troll and learn how to play as much as u can. Then, ur games became more serious, I recommend to learn how to play as support first. Then as AD. Then as AP\solo top. And jungler the last one.
    I have 1600 elo right now, but I think it's just because I have 2000 elo friend :D
  12. Infernal Dragon I love people very much.. with ketchup

    Also, here is pro blitz
  13. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

  14. Zetsumei Spaceman

  15. Infernal Dragon I love people very much.. with ketchup

    Meanwhile in team chat~
  16. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    gotta love Stonewall :)
  17. stonewall ftw!
  18. I've got quite some experience playing LoL, and if you want I could play a couple of games with you on my low level account to get you acquainted with certain aspects of LoL (eg, lasthitting, not overextending, what to look out for, etc...)
  19. Heh, probably my most funny moment in LoL was when I went support Taric and me and my carry hid in the bush before minions spawned at bot, and clairvoyanced myself. The poor enemy Lux walked into the bush thinkin we weren't there and... yeah.

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