League of Legends Megathread

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Kiethy, 26 Apr 2012.

  1. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    EUW is the best!
  2. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    well i wanna go back to west but now i have to pay for it so it's not worth...
  3. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    The new hextec items are fucking trash
    and RIP spell vamp, RIP vlad and akali, also cant forget morgana's passive
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  4. Cactus The key is to never give up


    TL;DR (someone correct me if I get one of these wrong):

    malz - new passive: if he doesn't take damage for a few seconds he takes a lot less damage the next time he's hit (and for a few seconds after) and he's immune to CC.
    new w: spawns a voidling. When that attacks something it spawns another one. When there are 3 they get an att speed buff (note the voidling's timers are all based off the first voidling)

    brand - passive change: if an enemy gets hit by brands spells 3 times (I presume ult bouncing will add 1 each time) they take large %hp damage in an AOE effect.

    vlad - q change: every 3rd cast does more damage and gives vlad ms.
    new e: charges up an AOE magic damage thing, can slow people. Uses his hp to charge.

    zyra - new passive: seeds spawn randomly around her.

    vel - i literally have no idea what the change is to him.

    cas - new passive: gains ms per level.
    new w: makes an arc of poison on the floor, quite large range.

    annie - passive(?): tibbers does more damage(?) to annie's stunned targets.

    swain - decrepify now sends beatrice to a targeted location to cripple enemies.

    fiddle - passve: gains ms if he stands still for a bit.

    ziggs - w now destroys turrets if they're below a certain hp.

    syndra - new passive allows her to spawn + pick up more balls.

    xerath - if ult hits an enemy he can use his ult for more shots, up to a maximum.

    anivia - r gets bigger over time and deals more damage.

    veigar - new passive gives him evil AP if he hits champions with spells, kills minions, and takedowns.

    Last edited: 20 Apr 2016
  5. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    Heavily dependant on numbers but i'm thinking GLP + abyssal meta
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  6. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    tried URF for the first time. Played few games. It's just to goddam frustrating to play so i gave up on that.

    Also what do you think of new mage changes?
  7. Humpers GM's Resident #420 Twatmeister General

    Foxdrop summed up the current URF perfectly imo, I played I think only 5 or 6 games this year purely because I just didn't find it enjoyable like it initially was.
  8. Cactus The key is to never give up

    See I find that video dumb...

    People play URF just like they play League... They pick the best champions because that's what they enjoy doing...How many people pick yorick/prework poppy in normal games?? Not very many. URF just has different OP champions compared to normals.

    There's so many strong champions in URF it's unreal:

    • Sona
    • Ryze
    • Hecarim
    • FIORA
    • xin
    • jax
    • shaco
    • ezreal
    • kog
    • galio
    • blitz
    • azir
    • kha
    • lulu
    • kat
    • lb
    • lux
    • alistar
    • zed
    • morg
    • leona
    • talon
    • taric
    • fizz
    • vlad
    • ekko
    • ori
    • rumble
    • lee
    • kass
    • brand
    • mao
    • kog
    • karma
    • yi
    • ryze
    • lucian
    • wukong
    there's probably more I just can't think of them.
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  9. RossyMac Bunch of young trap lords and we down for sinning

    Problem isn't the lack of diversity, it's the lack of viability. If I have complete mastery of Yorick, I can make him work just like any other champion in normals/ranked, he may not be as easy or strong as other popular champions but he's certainly not significantly weaker, I challenge you to lane against him if you believe otherwise.

    In URF, however, it's not that champions aren't viable, more the CDR and unlimited mana straight up isn't as useful as it is on other champions, the ones you've listed being the most obvious ones. Champions like Fiddlesticks, any old school ADC, Swain, Yasuo and almost any melee champion, are SIGNIFICANTLY weaker than any of the champions you've listed, to an extent wherein you're almost never going to see them in URF or if you do, the team with them will lose.

    So in normals or ranked, you may see a prominence of the stronger/easier to play/more popular champs but you're incredibly unlikely to see the same set of 10 champs in any given game over the course of a day's play. In URF, it's the same shit every fucking game, Ez, Lux, Nidalee, Alistar, Fizz, etc. you know the score. You have a set of 16 champs, ban 6 of them and the other 10 get picked in any combo you want, it's got little to no replayability because nothing different is going to happen from game to game.

    That's why I don't find the video dumb
  10. Cactus The key is to never give up

    It's definitely true that the buffs aren't great for some champions, but isn't it true in normal league of legends? I mean if you look at the best players of x champion on lolskill.net, on champions like yorick, fiddlesticks, galio, lux (a lot of top lux players are platinum), Veigar, Zilean, why are most of them only diamond, not master/challenger? Clearly if they are the best in the world at their champion they should have "mastered" their champion and be able to win in any match up.

    This is not true, considering the fact that I just named 38 champions who are all very strong in URF.

    I think the main reason I like URF is because it's quick, and there's very little punishment when someone dies/you use your summoner spells, because of how strong everyone is.
  11. Mysteryem The Dividing Line

    I haven't played league in a while, but from what I can see, wouldn't URF's problems be significantly alleviated by introducing revive and or/lowering death timers?

    If you are someone playing for fun vs someone who wants to win, I think it's fair to accept that you're going to lose your lane and possibly the game.

    The problem is that you're going to spend a lot of the game dead, especially if the game reaches its later stages. You can't have fun if you're dead for most of the time and whenever you are dead it's an opportunity for your already significantly stronger opponent(s) to get even stronger.

    tl;dr It's already pretty clear when you're going to lose a lane/game, dying should be nowhere near as punishing, as you expect it to happen a lot in that situation.
  12. RossyMac Bunch of young trap lords and we down for sinning

    Not really. If you look at a champion like Veigar, for example, he's very, very strong in very specific situations and if your team can play around him/you get the time/resources needed to stack up, you'll have a very strong win rate. In comparison to Lissandra, Corki or the other power picks right now, he's simply not as versatile and too heavily reliant on free farming. He's certainly viable, just not as reliable as others.

    If I was to main Veigar and consistently pick him, you can guarantee that quite often I'm going to get counter picked, the opposing team might pick Zed, Zilean, Kayle, Tahm Kench, etc. so you can see what I mean when I say Lissandra, etc. are more versatile, they're simply harder to counter and if you consistently pick Lissandra, you're going to do well in more situations that if you pick Veigar.

    All that being said, lolskill is pretty flawed, its system is based off win rate % and games played with respect to elo. I remember I had 70% win rate in diamond II with Rumble and 100 games played, I peaked at #87, whilst the top 10 had like 5 players who were diamond V and below, below 60% win rate but had like 2000 200 more games played. It also doesn't take into account the server skill average. BR challenger is going to be the equivalent of like D1 on EUW and like D3 KR.

    I agree with you when you say that someone who has mastered Veigar is going to be less successful than someone who's mastered Lissandra, for example, but I don't agree that it's because Veigar is inherently weaker, he's just not as useful in certain scenarios.
  13. Halmoos The unseen doge, is the deadliest.

  14. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    I just played a game as Syndra and fucking hell do I hate playing her now. Her "walking" animation seems bugged and she will jerk to the left or right. Small jerks but it messes things up. There is nothing in my path that can cause her to not go straight. I know some others here play her as well and I was wondering if anybody else had the same issue. It makes me really sad because I loved playing her but now it's just shit.
  15. RossyMac Bunch of young trap lords and we down for sinning

    Some match ups are pretty different, Le Blanc and Zed became a lot harder but the slight change to Veigar makes him pretty freelo imo if you just QQ all day in lane, ult does like stupid amount of damage if the enemy is under 33% hp. Try him if you haven't already, teaches you good positioning and dps in fights whilst having a ridiculous nuke if the enemy has a mage with less than full hp and 2 MR items.
  16. RossyMac Bunch of young trap lords and we down for sinning

    Can we all appreciate how unreal the OGN production team is.
    This is the LCK Summer 2016 hype video, as someone who doesn't see the fuss of kpop (you're all weebs, same concept, different country), this is great.
    Last edited: 26 May 2016
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  17. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    >voli slowly replacing kindred as the top jungler
    >riot nerfs morrellos

    why does riot patch
  18. I hit over 100k IP as there's nothing I want to buy...

    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Dec 2016
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  19. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    buy runes or rune pages, attempt to get every champion
  20. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    Or just buy all the runes. Cus why not. And use it to change your name to Sir bitch tits. <3

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