Stealthy Sheep's Application

Discussion in 'Whitelist Applications' started by Stealthy Sheep NL, 25 Dec 2013.

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  1. Mumble username: Stealthy Sheep
    Starbound character name(s): Spawn
    Steam profile name: ssheepp
    Steam profile link/id:
    Age: 20
    Timezone(GMT+/-_): GMT + 01:00
    Have you been on our mumble server?: Yes
    List the [GM] servers you have been on previously?: A lot of your tf2 servers, some minecraft ones. GMod as well.
    Do you agree to abide by our regular terms and rules?: yes
    Do you agree to abide by the rules specific to starbound?: yes

    I don't really get how starbound works yet, im pretty new. Spawn is just the name i gave my first character, but
    anyone can name theirs that way right so not sure what's the point in telling you that name.
  2. fast-tracked
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