League of Legends Beginners Guide

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Michael Dangles, 19 May 2013.

  1. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    Since you play exclusively ARAMs, you might want to try something along the lines of a Legolas build:

    Brutalizer + Mana Pot start -> Infinity Edge -> Build the brutalizer in to a Youmuu's Ghostblade -> Last Whisper -> Pick up your lifesteal (Ruined King > Sanguine Blade at the moment) and Zeal (PD or Shiv is just preference most of the time) items last

    (obviously just build your boots whenever you want them, it depends on how much money you have but I would personally get basic boots on the first/second back and then get the greaves sometime after getting the infinity edge)

    The brutalizer gives you AD, Armour Pen and CDR which will give you noticeably more powerful earlygame Q's on a shorter cooldown. Keep buying mana pots whenever you die, because whilst you may feel like you're spending a lot of money on them, the constant Q poke they afford is really good. Although attack speed might feel great, because of how poke heavy ARAMs are, you don't really need it (and you'll get a decent amount from Zerker Greaves and Ghostblade's active early/mid game). If a fight breaks out you don't need to be firing arrows like no tomorrow anyway, just pick a target, tag them 3 times and hit them with a Q or E to proc your W passive. This should give you noticeably increased single target dps, and your overall poke will help the team a lot.
    Last edited: 1 Jul 2014
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  2. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    if you want to go full Legolas may as well save ghostblade for later and go straight LW
  3. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    Whilst true, I like picking up the ghostblade so I can be more relevant in skirmishes and mid-game fights (especially with the active) rather than just pure poke. It's all preference though.
  4. Cactus The key is to never give up

  5. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

  6. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    So I have been playing some support Leona and it has been ok so far. I would like to maybe branch out to Thresh.

    Can somebody reccomend good masteries and runes? I feel as if that still needs some fixes (next to overall gameplay). I have been trying a few things and was just wondering what others do.

    Thanx! :)
  7. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    i tend to use probuilds.net for masteries and runes but not item build as that determines on the enemies and your playstyle
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  8. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    champion.gg is a good tool for getting a general idea about how to setup and build a champ (provides both the most popular/frequent setups and the highest win % setups), direct link to Thresh page
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  9. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    It's funny though that people seem to "prefer" the tanky support (overall) yet Janna is on top of highest played. Sona 5th. Sona even having a higher win rate over Thresh and Leona. A lot has to do with play style as well but still.
  10. Halmoos The unseen doge, is the deadliest.

    If you can use thresh to his limits you will be the one carrying the games, suggest you start off with normal cast instead of quick cast so you can learn how to use flay(E) properly, don't try to pull of crazy hooks at the start, step by step, and play a bit more aggressive because your playstyle is sometimes very defensive.
  11. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    Yeah it depends. When I play Sona I am more agressive as I can poke them. Leona has to almost pretty much go all in unless they walk past you and you can "boop"them on their head with Q.
  12. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    Back in bronze 3 bois!!! :psypop:
    Also first time solo q. The dodgers are high.
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  13. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    But it's also a matter of what they add to the team. Janna is considered OP at pro tier due to the amount she offers her team if played well. Sona and Leona are 'ok' supports, but the reason a good Thresh is more likely to carry than a good Sona is due to the difference in kits; Thresh's moveset is proactive and offers a lot more to a team than Sona. Sona can poke and heal, a 60sec stun and a slow while Thresh can make outrageous lantern plays, pull/stun an enemy, slow and force back multiple champs with his e and has an ult that can completely mess up the ranks of the enemy team.
  14. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    Well I still don't have enough to get Thresh but I am doing somewhat ok with Leona so far. It's far from perfect or even good, but it's a start. :)

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  15. Mystia the Schnitzel Delivery Guy

    I know most junglers here will say I shouldn't play WW, but I like this jungler a lot more than others. Anyways, here's my question: As WW, ganking pre-6 is pretty hard as you have literally no CC. So, what is the best way to play? Usually, depending on how the enemy team is set up, I either go Devourer or Cinderhulk. Anyone got tips which build I should usually follow?
  16. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    i'm interested in this too since i like playing ww jungle since his 6th lvl gank is free kill :D
  17. You want to rush 6 as soon as possible UNLESS you can whip around the enemy team through sneaking through the enemy jungle.
    Devourer is stupidly OP once it's stacked if you go wits end & guinsoos but it leaves you super squishy until you build tank after those 3 items. If your team hasn't got a tank, just go cinderhulk, wits end, spirit visage etc etc and be unkillable.
  18. Mystia the Schnitzel Delivery Guy

    well, usually my build follows: Jungler item + enchantment (either cinderhulk or devourer) -> Frozen Heart -> BoTRK -> Mercs (if enemy has lots of CC)/ Tabis (if enemy has a lot of AA Damage) -> Spirit Visage -> Either Wits end or that one items which gives health + AD (and a shield if I recieved too much damage (yes I forgot the english word of that item))

    I usually played with this build till I got to Rank 5 WW, any items I should consider switching out?
  19. RossyMac Bunch of young trap lords and we down for sinning

    Please don't play Warwick jungle if you want to win games. Like the time you're spending playing Warwick and farming til your nexus is dead you could be spending learning Elise and collecting your freelo.

    Warwick is just one of those champs thst you should never play because if you build tanky you do no damage and if you build damage you're too squishy. plus anyone with a brain will interrupt his ult.

    Just don't do it, please.
  20. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    I hate posts like this, it offers no value to the discussion on Warwick and all you've conveyed is "you should not play Warwick and instead play Elise because I think Warwick is shit". The fact is that Warwick's winrate is actually higher than Elise's at all ranks until you reach Diamond+ and overall you're talking to mostly silver level players on this forum.

    It's solo queue and, unless you're aiming to get Diamond+ (which is not a realistic goal for most people here), you should just play whatever you're confident in and enjoy. Warwick excels in lower elo because he gets plenty of time to farm to 6 (and sated if desired) and his ult is a braindead and very effective way to punish terrible positioning (which will happen a LOT at that level).
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