LoL replay/stats Show & Tell

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Bagman, 19 May 2012.

  1. Humpers GM's Resident #420 Twatmeister General

    Another fairly decent kat game. I played really well to begin with but then annie started playing super safe and not wasting her stuns anymore, I still managed to pick up a kill or two but went pretty badly after she started playing well and got a few kills from our jungler. Began to turn the game around after a few decent teamfights where I picked up a few quadras and a few triples. If anyones got pointers on builds please tell me. I tend to rush ludens for the poke to help out her shocking lane phase and then abyssal afterwards if the teamfights are starting. If not either zhonya or rabs depending on teamcomp. I usually end up with ludens abyssal zhonya deathhat sorcs and then defensive. Is it worth subbing in a void somewhere if the opposition is particularly tanky or is it just better to build raw ap?
  2. Kiethy Fluffy..

    I played a PvP game with Twitch 2015-05-10 19-09-41.png

    I started off well and kinda just snowballed the rest of the game mainly. I like the supports that can stop the enemy, allows me to really focus them down :)
  3. Cactus The key is to never give up

    I can see you had quite a good start to this game.


    Scrap the "Expose Weakness" - you're not an ad caster (an ad caster being ezreal (you spam q and w)/potentially lucian(you spam q + w)/corki (you spam q and r)) so you're not going to use many spells (rather you're just going to auto the fuck out of them)
    Scrap "arcane blade" - you're not gonna have any AP on twitch.
    Pick up "dangerous game" - this is a huge lifesaver if you're in a teamfight.
    Usually people run 21 (to get to the max tier in a tree) and 9 (to get quite a lot out of another tree).
    Personally I'd run the other 9 in defence (but you could run them in utility if you wish).

    Personally not sure about building a BF after getting the bilgewater cutless, however I can see the reasoning (huge AD buff, can allow you to bully), but BOTRK can be very effective on twitch for assassinations.
    I would have gotten boots (berserkers greaves) after you got your Bloodthirster.
    Also i'd upgrade your trinket (a lot of people get blue trinket on ADC after a couple of minutes, but it doesn't really matter) to the trinket which gives you lots of green wards (not the pink upgrade).

    You need more CS, really make sure that you can last hit (I generally don't hit the creeps until the final hit, unless I'm pushing to their tower to deny/take tower/pressure their team - however I fucking suck at cs so yeah).
    I can't see the teamfights, however make sure you stand at the back of the team. As an ADC your team in theory should be peeling (blocking damage and CC) from the other team, allowing you to attack the other team and producing tons of damage, however it's unlikely in low elo/level that this will happen. As twitch, your ult gives you a fucking ton of range with auto attacks, so it's actually really easy in team fights to sit back and just auto from really far back. The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself, or be at the front of the team during fights.
  4. Kiethy Fluffy.. 2015-06-14 15-28-31.png

    It may have only been a bot game but i got two pentas in one game as the lux :)
  5. Humpers GM's Resident #420 Twatmeister General

    I mean this in the nicest way possible but you should really start playing normals. Playing against bots is great for learning the ropes etc and basic mechanics but if you continue to spam out bot games you'll not only stop improving but you'll likely start going in the opposite direction. It's very easy to stomp bots after so many games as you can basically learn every move that they will make and predict every single thing they will do. You'll also get lulled into a false sense of security because bots are nothing like playing against an actual human player. You could be playing against literally the worst player in the world but I guarantee you would not be able to predict every single move they'll make like you can with bots, and because of this they could easily stomp you in turn.
    Plus playing normals is a much better way of improving your game past level 5 or 6 because you'll get a feel for general game tempo, be able to start recognising times for taking towers/drag/baron/inhibs which you never have to think about against bots. To add to that you'll get experience playing against different playstyles. Bot's do the exact same thing every game but once you start playing normals you'll be against people who play super aggro, super defensive, group a lot, splitpush a lot etc etc.

    Basically what I'm saying is start playing normals. You'll have a lot more fun that way and you'll improve much faster.
  6. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    @Kiethy pretty much what sucky said but just remember there will be ALOT of 'smurf' accounts dont get too annoyed about losing or getting killed as long as you know WHY you died could just be they made a good initiation thats a good enough reason to lose a fight. learn from your mistakes :) and have fun
  7. Kiethy Fluffy..

    thanks both of you, the only reason i just play bots is because i fucking sucked so badly at normals so i just switched to learning more in bot games. i'll try to play a majority of new games in normals but i'm sure i'll still suck
  8. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    sucking will gradually be gone. You can learn more when you lose your lane and see how and why you lost. Playing against human is more complex and fun ofc. When you stomp them sometimes you'll feel supreme! :D
  9. I did okay in this game as Cait (as is evidenced by my S- score...)

    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Dec 2016
  10. Kiethy Fluffy..

    After transitioning to PvP, i lost about 8 game in normals until i hit level 30. decided to do my promos and went 5/2 very fast but ended up 6/4 and now i'm in silver 2. yay
  11. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    nice. Silver 2 is great considering it's your first ranked experience :D
  12. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    Don't be disheartened if you lose a lot of ranked games from now on. Silver 2 players are better than people think and considering you don't have a lot of experience against players they might be too much for you.
  13. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    Did ranked placements on my smurf. Went 0-1 initially which sucks since the earlier placement matches have more weighting, but finished 9-1

    Have some random taric top gameplay to celebrate, opal for harmony

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  14. Halmoos The unseen doge, is the deadliest.


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  15. Cactus The key is to never give up

    ok so throughout the whole team select that yasuo was asking people for a wombo comp, asking people to first pick yasuo so he wouldn't be stolen etc...

    get into game and people are saying super nooby things like "ward bot side so voli won't get me please" "I need early gank" "sivir do you know my passive" etc...

    fucking grouped and won

    E: they ended up not so bronze because despite them really wanting to get a wombo combo, they (especially braum) peeled for me
    Last edited: 23 Jun 2015
  16. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    1000 aram wins boys, what a way to get it

  17. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    I seem to be behind on the 1000 aram win games :(
    Last edited: 4 Jul 2015
  18. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    i don't even have 1000 played games and there are you with 1000 just aram wins. F
  19. Squallkitty GM's #1 Streamer!

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